Together, we can overcome the cell phone compulsion so that we are ready to learn and to enjoy each other’s company face to face!
Are you always tired?
The bottom line is, if you don't take a look at what isn't working, you won't transform it into something that is. After all, how are you going to get what you want, if you don't even know what that is? ![]() Returning to school after having the summer off is always a big adjustment for teachers, students, parents and education workers. 💛Returning to school after a year and a half of: 👉constant change 👉stress and frustration 👉social isolation 👉different ways of learning 👉a chaotic world full of trauma and uncertainty …puts this next transition on a whole new level. We can’t expect ourselves to shift into new eating, sleeping, learning, and patterns of socialization overnight.
It’s time to start preparing ourselves mentally, emotionally, physically, academically and socially, so that the changes ahead will be less of a shock to our systems. 👉Throughout the week ahead, I will be sharing tips and tools that you may find helpful for preparing yourself and your family for the next “new normal”. ![]() Being normal is overrated. There have been times in my life where I've tried it, but I could never keep up the charade for very long. Inevitably, I'd return to my bubbly, vibrant, emotional, sensitive, creative and colourful self. Some people were happy and others, not so much, but I could only contain my real energy for so long, before I morphed back into the person I'm meant to be. You see, being normal is not only overrated, it's not even a real thing because "normal" only exists within the constructs of a narrow-minded society. When things are "normal" they remain constant. When things are "normal" people don't need to grow or expand. Ah, the safety of everything being labelled and put in the appropriate box! But is that how you're meant to live your life? Being a teenager can be difficult and living in the box can be reassuring and safe. There is SO much pressure to look a certain way, to behave a certain way, and to fit into socially accepted categories that turn us into automatons. BUT, none of that is real. You see, what makes you different, is what makes you special. What makes you unique is your gift to the world. What sets you apart from others is your superpower. The world needs YOU in all your fabulous weirdness! I know it's scary and I know that people can be mean but, in time, you will see that it's not the in-the-box thinkers that change the world. Being in-the-box is safe, oh yes, because you won't be noticed and you won't stick out. No one will point at you and yell "Different! Different!", because you won't even be seen. Stay there until you're ready. Stay there until you are able. Stay there until you have the support you need. But then, my darlings, then it's time to break free. Some people won't like it. Oh, for sure, and they'll let you know! People will notice, people will judge. People will have opinions, but those people are not your people. Your uniqueness challenges them. That's their work, not yours. What others think of you can't change who you really are. Don't let what others want for you, keep you from achieving what you want for yourself! Nobody lives their best life in a box and labels are for limited thinkers. So be brave. Be yourself. Embrace all that makes you different and be who you were always meant to be. ![]() Why do I talk about mindfulness so much? Why do I weave it into every class that I teach? What does mindfulness have to do with the Performing Arts anyway and why don’t I just stick to the “curriculum”? Click the link below to find out more:
Ask yourself the following questions:
If you answered "no" to any of these questions...If you answered "no" to any of these questions, imagine that it was your child, your sister, your brother, or your best friend who was answering "no". Would you allow your child to be regularly sleep deprived? Would you allow your best friend to be without an emotional support system? Then why is that satisfactory for you? You are your own best friend. Start treating yourself that way today.
Being well requires maintenance. |
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